Financial assistance for mental health, substance use, and concurring disorder treatment is available.
AA meeting nearby: Lake Sawyer Christian Church
31605 Lake Sawyer SE, Black Diamond WA 98010
For treatment centers, go to Ask for treatment centers in Kent or any city you prefer.
1,000 Minutes, Unlimited Texts, 4.5 GB of Data, FREE SIM Card. Contact Rima for help.
Drop In services for homeless women with and without children. These services include hot meals, food to go, hygiene and clothing items, phone and computer access as well as case management for those interested.
33505 14th Place South, Suite D, Federal Way WA
Shelter Intake: Monday - Friday 10am to 4pm
Helps unhoused individuals connect with service providers and increase housing stability. For residents living in vehicles, contact Tina Lewis at 206-566-8566
515 116th St NE, Suite 150, Bellevue WA
Assistance with procurring jobs, housing, overnight parking, and day care center.
This program provides assistance to families to maintain housing stability through rental or utility assistance.
Pregnancy centers that provide information on abortion, adoption, parenting along with pregancy testing, ultrasounds, screening, parenting supplies and abortion recovery.
Provides linguistically and culturally appropriate health care and social services to the Latino community.
Individuals who have a qualifying medical emergency and do not qualify for any other Apple Health program due to citizenship/immigration requirements.
KCADP provides dental services for residents living in King County who are not eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid) due to citizenship requirements.
Offers 5 appointments under Medicaid.
Location: 33838 Pacific Hwy South, Suite B-101
Federal Way, WA 98003
Preventive and restorative dental care for Medicaid-eligible children from birth through age five with an emphasis on the first dental visit by age one.
Printable list of dental clinics in King County that include Public Health dental clinics, community health dental clinics, and dental clinics connected to colleges.
To apply, call or click here to learn more and book an appointment.
Assists PSE customers with their home energy costs. Must have an active gas or electric account with PSE.
Individuals who have a qualifying medical emergency and do not qualify for any other Apple Health program due to citizenship/immigration requirements.
Specializes in assisting seniors through the process of connecting them with needed resources.
Assists PSE customers with their home energy costs. Must have an active gas or electric account with PSE.
The goal of our Senior Nutrition Program is to support the independence and well-being of our seniors through nutritious, healthful and tasty meals; and through education aimed at helping seniors make the best dietary choices for their health.
Aging and Disability Services (ADS) plans, coordinates, and advocates for a comprehensive service delivery system for older adults, family caregivers and people with disabilities in King County.
Provides free legal help for seniors.
Maternity clothing, pregnancy clothing, car seats, formula, diapers, and baby furniture as available.
Provides free clothing to anyone with a referral showing need from the community.
Provides professional clothing for interviews and will provide guidance and support for upcoming interviews, cohort programs and mentoring.
Provides access to used children's clothing.
Lifeline is a federally funded government program that provides millions of Americans with FREE wireless service every month. Through this program, Q Link Wireless provides FREE Talk & Text plus Data to eligible Americans - keeping them connected to the world.
UNLIMITED Data, Talk, Text & New Tablet ^ is a limited-time offer, brought to you by the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).
Assurance Wireless is a federal Lifeline Assistance program. Lifeline is a government assistance program. The Assurance Wireless offer provides eligible low-income customers free monthly data, unlimited texting, and free monthly minutes. Plus a free phone.
Provides free firewood delivery and support to seniors and disabled individuals as available.
Call first to verify available services. Provides food, clothing, and a limited supply of gas vouchers as available.
Provides child protection servcies for residents in south King County.
Safe/stable housing, job placement, transportation, financial framework/guidance, legal assistance, college credit, matching savings program and more.
Provides an extensive list of mental health and wellness resources for students and anyone else in need.
Provides resources to assist survivors and their families who are victims of sexual assault or abuse.